9 rue Sanlecque
44000 Nantes
+33 (0)2 85 52 17 46
NEWSLETTER inscription
Loïc Touzé
Cynthia Albisser
9 rue Sanlecque
44000 Nantes
+33 (0)2 85 52 17 46
Loïc Touzé
Cynthia Albisser
Founded in 1991 and first settled in Aquitaine until 1995, then in Ile de France (1996-1999), in Bretagne (2000-2009) it now resides in Pays de la Loire.
In October 2011, ORO creates Honolulu, a place of experimentation and research. Located in the heart of Nantes, this dance studio allows the reception of artists at work, presentation of works, conferences, screenings, and the organization of courses and professional training.
ORO surrounds the choreographic work led by Loïc Touzé which and broadcasts in France and abroad. Its activity of creation, production, diffusion, teaching, research and circulation of the choreographic culture is completed by a work of territory.
Président - David Moinard
Treasurer - Daniel Perrier
ORO - LOÏC TOUZÉ is under agreement and receives the support by Direction Régionale des Affaires Culturelles, Département Loire-Atlantique and Ville de Nantes.
Editorial design - N. Couturier, J. Gargot, B. Verjat
Graphic design - Nicolas Couturier
Development - J. Gargot
Thanks to Anne Lenglet, Jennifer Bonn
Siret 38429650500066 - APE 9001Z
Licence d’entrepreneur de spectacles
2-PLATESV-R-2024-003595 et 3-PLATESV-R-2022-006220