I've always been interested in a form of primitivity. Performance draws its origins from ancient Greek theatre. With Ô MONTAGNE, I wanted to plunge into mythology, approaching a theatre where voice, song, dance, tragedy, and burlesque are not yet separated into disciplines or genres, but take part in a single celebration.
The voice emerged immediately as a territory for exploring movement, becoming the principal catalyst investing the body and producing action.
Vocalising the stories without saying them, allowing the motifs that they contain to circulate, to play freely with the figures, inventing a theatre without intrigue, a lyrical poetry, deliberately rudimentary and operatic.
Loïc Touzé, March 2013
Conception et choreography Loïc Touzé
Artistic collaborations
dance and interpretation Bryan Campbell, Ondine Cloez, Madeleine Fournier, Elizabete Francisca, Gianfranco Poddighe, Teresa Silva
music and interpretation Jonathan Seilman
voice Jennifer Bonn Lombard
dramaturge Mathieu Bouvier
scénography Jocelyn Cottencin
light designer Yannick Fouassier
costumes Jocelyn Cottencin, You
régie générale Pierre Bouglé :
set design elements manufactured by : Anne-Emmanuelle Pradier, Jocelyn Cottencin assisted by Ely Bessis and Julien Rodriguez
costumes manufactured by Julie Beaumier
Production : ORO, TU Nantes , CNDC Angers - direction Emmanuelle Huynh, Centre Chorégraphique National de Montpellier Languedoc Roussillon-programme Résidence, Le Grand R Scène Nationale/La Roche-sur-Yon, le CCN de Caen/Basse Normandie, direction Héla Fattoumi-Eric Lamoureux dans le cadre de « l’accueil studio » - Ministère de la culture et de la communication, CCN de Franche-Comté à Belfort dans le cadre de « l’accueil studio » - Ministère de la culture et de la communication/DRAC Franche-Comté.
With the support of Théâtre municipal de Béthune.
This project receives support for the creation of Région Pays de la Loire, ADAMI and SPEDIDAM.
crédit photo © Martin Argyroglo